Monday, 10 June 2013

Practical Bun Hairstyles When You Go to Party

Here are the steps you need to do to generate low interest bun who is currently a trend among celebrities as a practical bun to the party:
1. Before starting, make sure hair is clean and dry. If you have a dirty and oily hair then make this bun will be very difficult because the hair is slippery. Therefore, wash your hair before you start this process and dry until perfectly dry.

2. If you have wavy or curly hair, then straighten your hair first using a vise so that the hair looks smooth and shiny.
3. Divide your hair into two in the middle. Kucirkan then the two parts are so low in the back and Arrange your bangs in the front as usual.

4. Take your hair as much as about three square centimeter and separate from kuciran hair. Roll up this section with two fingers and make your finger like a hair roller.
But if you have a difficult hair rolled up perhaps because layered then you can use curling irons or curling iron to facilitate this rolling.
5. Remove your finger and the hair that has been rolled Pick this with small hairpin then spray hairspray to this section that is not easily damaged.
6. Take about three square centimeter hair on the other and repeat both steps above. Make sure the curler is facing a different direction from the first to create shapes like flowers.

7. Do the same with kuciran in the next section so that when finished you will find your hair back form two large flowers.
8. Make sure there is no hair to look neat regardless. If there is hair regardless then hair spray so attached to the petals closest relationship.
This step is needed especially for those who have layered hair so it is not the same length between the longest and the shortest.

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